Guest WiFi

Guest WiFi is now a must have for hotels, hospitality venues and coffee shops with the West Midlands. It is now fast becoming a necessity for all industries, as there is a growing expectation that all public areas and businesses provide Guest WiFi for public use, often for free. Midland Networks provide a business-grade wireless service built around the needs of your business and customers.

Our Guest WiFi includes:

  • Secure WiFi
  • PCI compliant WiFi
  • Scalable WiFi
  • Low-cost WiFi
  • Fully Managed WiFi
  • Marketing information about your WiFi users

In addition, our Guest WiFi service comes with a built in editor and analytics service, allowing you to customise your visitors experience and collect valuable data that can help you connect with your customers, target products or solutions, and grow your business. The editor allows the creation of branded welcome pages - allowing you to add or change logos, messages or offers whenever you want – as well as allowing for user registration and email capture.

Optional content filtering is also available with our guest wireless to ensure a safe or family friendly experience. Content filtering is flexible and customisable, allowing you to choose which content to block by category or at individual domain level.

Our business WiFi service stands out from standard consumer WiFi by easily allowing compliance with internet and industry policies. All hardware and support is also included in the package as standard.

If your customers expect fast internet connectivity at no cost, then you need a low cost Guest WiFiservice for your business. Enquire today via our website or call us on 0800 849 8585 to see how we can help your business.

Alternatively, take a look at our Guest WiFi brochure.